Today I took a little day trip to london to have a wee mooch around some shops and to go to the V&As 'An Anthology by Stephen Jones'. I'd wanted to see this since it started so was pretty siked..... Then I got there and the lady on the desk was like "no entry for another 20 minutes" which is one of the most annoying things ever when you have queued for yonks. I managed to get my way in early but it was so packed I couldn't move and there was the old 'no photography' rule, plus it was dark in there so couldn't even sneak some pics due to the insane flashing!! Darn it....
The exhibition was truely splendid but don't go on a friday afternoon, busy busy!! The hats where so fasinating, some where really cute and others where pretty mad. I loved the ones that where all geometric and a bit crazy (my 'shapes' brief is taking over me). Also the beaut that Audrey Hepburn had in My Fair Lady. Promise you will go! I have never seen so many hats in one room. I now LOVE hates. When im old and hopefully have some more spare pennies I will have a Stephen Jones hat! And ill wear it to all the weddings and be the one with the mad hat!!! Ahhhh dreams.

Anyway the exhibition is on till the 31st May so everyone has a chance to go! Its a gooden and just £4 if your a student or a oldie. Yipppeeeeeee.
Here are a few eg.s off the old web. Sorry I couldn't get any from the exhibition but the pictures wouldn't have done it justice, its a must see.